Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am in Miri ady

加上刚刚换科 心中有一股无形的压力 真的很想快快毕业
我开始自己一间房的生活了 整间家只有我一个人 是怕的咯 因为我其他的室友都是foundation的所以没有酱快回来。。。所以这几天都一直睡在ah yoke 家。。。哈哈。。。真的要感谢她收留我 希望我的室友们能快快回来 一起创造美好家园。。。真的很想念你们咯
转科了。。。要开始努力了 不能像上个学期酱 每天玩玩玩了 想当年还真的是每天天真无邪的在玩 一点都没有认真读书。。。这个学期不能再这样了 一定要好好用工。。。
我也为自己定下目标 就是希望每科都能拿credit。。。努力吧 。。。哈哈

这里的生活还真的很无聊。。。所以没有什么好分享的 每天就是上学和放学。。。下次有什么好玩的事在跟大家分享吧


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5 more days to go

wow...left 5 more days....I wan go back Miri ady
feel so gloomy...recall back these fews months in jb....juzrealise that I hav done nothing....haha
wasting my life in jb only....
especially seeing my frens enjoying their busy and meaningful life....
hope that I can have a new begin in Miri....haha
I have made up my mind to change my course to accounting and finance...
dun know how my life will be going on.....but I hope that I made no regret in my life...
keep telling myself juz go for it...but I muz be responsible to my decision...
I will not be same class with my dear frens anymore if I change my course...felt a bit sad...
hope that it will not make distance between our friendship....
hope that everything will go on smoothly....

I have upload my favourite songs....really luv all the songs there....haha
They all some from my super idols....
They are Boney M....ABBA...Beatles....Bee Gees....all were the famous singers in good old days
These are the songs that I can listen up to thousand times and wont feel boredom....
All the somgs have became oldies ady nowadays....the lyrics are also meaningful....
Hope that u all will like it....
enjoy the songs frens

Monday, February 18, 2008

CJ7...nice show

父子关系的唯美 简单的剧情却带出最深的感动
剧里的小男孩在得知父亲去世后 大声的哭泣 让我也在电影院里不停的哭泣
哭泣 是代表我被他感动 还是 其实我和他一样不敢面对。。。
如果有一天我最爱的亲人在我面前去世 我要怎样面对
这是我常常在想的问题 也是始终没有解答的问题
其实我也面对过这样的分离 不是吗。。。
也许只有在这样的深夜 我才会有这样的沉淀吧

好了 不要在这样沉重了
我要向大家宣布我的新偶像 周星驰
之前对他不了解 也没有看过他几部电影
现在想对他有多一点了解 也不会错过他往后的作品

希望还没有看这部戏的朋友 赶快去看
希望你们能好好享受这部电影 得到最深的感动 也有所启发

周星驰 加油

Sunday, February 17, 2008

roots restaurant~ I luv it

outside the restaurant sofa

i get my new spect...haha...

dear frens...I luv u all so much...take care ya....

the restaurant atmosphere is damn nice lo...haha


I want to recommand this restaurant...damn nice it so much...
It near city square, opposite kotaraya
This restaurant is recommanded by my fren....
U can try its most popular dishes....chicken noodle...(since I only tried this cant tell u other than this...haha)
The atmosphere there is really nice n cool. The whole restaurant was decorated by many cute n delicacy things...and also can find many antique there...really special...
It also has a small boutique there...u can have a glance n shop there when u r waiting for ur food to be served. The stuffs there r really nice n creative but only if u can afford it...haha
U can also have ur hair cut there...if u dare...haha...It really shock me that much...
There have a small little corner placed with many hair styling equipment...but dun know who will be ur hairstylist, maybe is the waitress there...haha ( I am so curious abt it la)
TO all my dear fren...really hav to go n take a look there...I sure most of u will love it...haha
Thx li ai recommand me this restaurant n so coincident to meet u there lo...haha
Thx candace indicated me the directions to the restaurant
Thx florance n felix (2f) accompanied me to have dinner in this restaurant n gave me a memorable day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

go shogun with my bestie

wow...cant imagine 2 of us can eat so much...haha
eat until nak mati
she also...nak mati pun continue eating...haha
three of us

Yeah...Today is a happy day...haha...hang out with my bestie...florence ng... a fren that know me that much...I think I will write down another entry to introduce her next time...
Since I will be going back shortly, I decided to go shoppingg to get my necessity. So two of us start our journey at Holiday Plaza. I get my new spectacle in an optical shop with recommand by her...haha...thx ya fren. I also have my new high heel shoes there. I bought that shoes to make use in my course presentation...hope that can get higher marks in the coming presentation since I have invested so much for my formal appearal...haha

After that we left Plaza and went for lunch. We have our lunch at the famous Japanese restaureant...SHOGUN....super mega expensive lo....It costs us RM88 only for lunch...I think we were mad at that moment....haha....But i think it is because new year period ...normal day wont be so expensive ba....It is buffet style... we can take n eat as much as we could....But as u know, two "litter small" gals can eat how much...haha...sure lugi lo...but at least can go this restaurant again before going back to Miri...Thx ya fren...thx 4 being so wasteful with me...haha...Our pocket torn a big hole after the dinner....

After the luxurious lunch...another happy thing to share is that I finally meet my another dear fren....pilot Felix.... we juz met and chat around 30 minutes only...finally meet u lo my dear fren since u been so so so busy everyday....thx 4 sacrificed your lunch time to meet us ya...looking forward to hang out this Sat...dun "pilot" again ya...
We ended our journey after shopping at City Square. Wow...hope that we can hang out everyday... bestie, thx 4 sacrificed ur rest day accompany me shopping ya...I will be missing u all so much after going back to Miri ...haha

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

my gang of frens

wow...I hope I have practised my promise to update my blog persistantly...haha
Today is the 7th day of Lunar year...happy birthday everyone...haha
As my i want to go shopping with some friends in Jusco...but at the time I prepared to went out...i received a call from my fren n they say want to come my home to "bai nian"....
They are ai ai, candace, songyi n kehan...keep laughing lo...when we all "mixed" together...
love my frens so much...haha....sorry ya songyi , cos i dun know how to indicate u the proper way to my house...haha...although i have been living here for 4 years time...what ashamed to me...hehe...Luckily u all have the strongest sense of direction....Bravo...hehe
After bringing them rounding my small messy house...we decided to go Jusco to have dinner. But at last ai ai n me didnt have anything there...cos i have made up my mind to work with my "on diet scheme"...gambate...i can do it...haha

11 days more before I leave my sweet home...feel abit sad ...cos will only be back after half and a have a long way to go in my study
I have to start packing my luggage already...dun know what should n shouldnt bring...also afraid my luggage overweighed...hope everything will go on smoothly...god bless

Thx 4 visiting me frens

Monday, February 11, 2008

my 1st blog

hooray....finally decided to jot down my life by writing blog...hope that i can update my blog persistantly since all of my frens know that i am that lazy

i try to write my blog in English cos i hope i can improve my writing n if everyone find any grammer mistake...pls correct me straighforwardly...haha

i have juz watched Jay Chou lastest movie...Kungfu Dunk....few days ago, since my new year was so boring at home...haha...I ranked this movie two stars out of five...din impressed me that much....
I felt that the movie juz purposely created for Jay Chou...every moves was designed for him.
Only seeing him act cool there with his well known silly expression...haha...hope that everyone who havent watched the movie can catch up this movie and agree with my view...hehe

Left 14 days before i going back to Miri...I have so many things havent done yet...I want to buy new jacket...I want to buy bak gua back cos hard to find pork there...I want to get a new many things to do...i have run out of time....hurry hurry...

But the most important things is that i havent meet all my frens in JB yet...i know my holidays is that long but weird...differnt with many of u...but i know i gonna miss u all so much when i back in Miri...take care ya all my beloved frens