Saturday, March 15, 2008

I luv my dear frens

我喜欢我们的友谊不需要太多的言语 但却感受彼此的存在
我喜欢我们的友谊细水长流 多过轰轰烈烈
我喜欢我们的友谊不需要常常见面 但却性惺惺相惜

生命里有千千万万的过客 扣除许许多多的过客 剩下的就是朋友
从过客 变朋友 真的需要缘分
对于友情 我不强求


Sunday, March 9, 2008

my new funny housemate

Shilry, Augustlyn and me

Augustlyn, Maylyn and me
gangsters look...haha
2 crazy people
that is why we kena scolded my the security guard....haha

Wow...time flies by...It has been one month since I backed here....recently addicted to Prison Break...nice show...haha...It is the way I passed my free time....borrrred....

But now I have a new funny housemate....juz one word to describe her...CRAZY....She is so cute and brings us alots of this fren so much....We can keep on laughing when 2 of us get together....till my fren I am crazy also...Because of her, our house full of fun and laughter....not that quiet and bored as last semester....haha

One week ago...2 of us added up with Augustlyn and Maylyn went town together....keep on gossiping in the bus...till the whole bus people stare at us...only will do these crazy things with that crazy people...haha....When we shopping in Parkson...we also do lots of funny things...nearly get scolded by the guard there...haha

Really nice to know fren....
All the best ya